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November 2024 Roundup

All Things Linux

November 30, 2024


November marks a monumental milestone for All Things Linux as we celebrate our one-year anniversary. Over the past year, we’ve grown, innovated, and forged stronger connections, reaching new heights as a non-profit organization. Here’s a look at recent developments and future plans:

Milestones and Achievements

One-Year Anniversary Celebration:

A year ago, this community was born, overcoming early challenges with tenacity and collaboration. We've grown to over 5.5K members, engaging in 4M+ messages, with 40K+ VC hours, all thanks to your dedication.

Team Expansion:

Our moderation team has grown from 0 to nearly 40 staff members over the year. Many have stayed, some have moved on to new adventures & others continue being promoted for their amazing contributions. The culture that we have built over the year has shown to be a great success and we are proud of the leadership that we are continuing to build.

Non-Profit Status:

We’re thrilled to announce that All Things Linux is now officially a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This achievement unlocks new possibilities for growth and contribution to the Linux community.

What's in store

We now welcome contributions from anyone with an account but with changes requiring approval by trusted or admin users. You can gain trusted status through active contributions.

We plan to revamp our servers with a stable, modular approach to offer a wider array of tools, resources & mirrors for various self-hosted software.

We've heard your feedback on IRC & XMPP, and we apologize for the delays. Plans are underway for a sysadmin team to enhance security and moderation. A Mastodon or Matrix server could be in our future also.

Though not formally shareable yet, this project aims to provide free cloud storage/VPSes for developers, FOSS projects & Linux enthusiasts, along with a pubnix-like ecosystem. We are really excited about how valuable this project can truly be in particular.


We're preparing to transition Tux into a formal release cycle, starting with a proper v0.1 release. Upcoming improvements include Redis caching & rigorous testing and optimization.

Other Projects:

Behind the scenes, we're developing internal documentation & training materials, such as our Moderator Handbook & onboarding presentations.

We've also been working hard on forming tight knit standard operating procedures, record keeping, and best practices to ensure we can continue to grow and improve as a non-profit organization.

Website Launch:

We are excited to announce the launch of our new website (the one you're on right now) to learn about our mission, apply for positions, and stay updated on projects and announcements.

Community Engagement

Logo Design Contest:

Put your creativity to the test! We’re seeking logo designs for All Things Linux, with a $100 prize for the winning entry. Submit your ideas now and help us establish a visual identity that represents our mission.

Thanksgiving Giveaway:

Raspberry Pi 5

Congratulations to @kant for winning our Raspberry Pi 5 giveaway!

We appreciate everyone who participated and supported this vibrant community.

Infrastructure Updates

IRC Revival:

IRC services are back online, featuring custom automod and slowmode features.

  • Connect via and register to join the conversation.

Web IRC Addition:

Enhanced web IRC provides easier access with media embedding features.

Signal Addition:

We've also opened up a Signal chat for anyone who's into that sort of thing:

Closing Remarks

As we enter December, we reflect on a year of incredible achievements and the many possibilities that lie ahead. Thank you for your unwavering support, creativity, and collaboration that make All Things Linux a thriving community.

Here’s to a bright future filled with learning, growth, and connection. Onward to another successful year! 🌟

With gratitude,

Kaizen and the All Things Linux Team
