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September 2024 Roundup

All Things Linux

September 30, 2024


As we transition into September, we reflect on the substantial developments and community growth over the past two months. With new roles, channels, and exciting projects on the horizon, our momentum continues to build.

Here’s an overview of what has unfolded:

Community Updates

New Roles and Icons:

Thanks to @Juniiii, our role icons have been fully refreshed to a consistent theme.

Recent role additions also include:

  • Ping Roles: @Polls, @Support (notifies when new support forum posts are made)
  • GPU Roles: @AMD, @Nvidia, @Intel
  • Language Role: @Dart

Channel Updates:

  • New Channels:
    • #server-meta: Organizes useful resources, cleaning up our channel list.
    • #quick-support: For smaller support requests, formerly support-chat.
    • #media: A space exclusively for images and videos, similar to ⁠random.
    • #donors: Highlights new contributions from Open Collective.

Staff Changes

We’re thrilled to announce several internal promotions:

  • @tess promoted to Senior Mod.
  • @arkannon and @pocki promoted to Mod.
  • @bee and @estralia promoted to Junior Mod.

Technology and Development

ATL Tools and IRC/XMPP Status:

Our IRC/XMPP services remain unbridged as per the recent update in our blog here.

With that being said, thank you for your ongoing support and donations, which are crucial to maintaining our services and further developing solutions to improve them.

Tux Development:

We now have a dedicated server for @allthingslinux/tux development.

With over 75 stars, 20+ contributors, and 1,200+ commits, your contributions can help shape this project even further.

Ongoing Initiatives

Minecraft Developments:

Minecraft Promotional Banner

Exciting things are underway for our Minecraft activities.

Join the conversation and get updates in #mc-chat

Community Statistics:

A massive thank you for your engagement — we've hit 3.2 million messages and 4,500 members!

Explore all of our insights and beautiful graphs via Statbot here.

Closing Remarks

Thank you all for your continued support, creativity, and participation. Your contributions make ATL a thriving, dynamic community. Let's forge ahead with shared success and innovation!
