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April 2024 Roundup

All Things Linux

April 30, 2024


April has been another fantastic month for our community, filled with engaging events, new features, and exciting updates. Your ongoing support and participation are crucial as we continue to grow and enhance the user experience. Here’s a recap of everything that happened:

Key Events

Super Tux Kart Saturday:

Prepare for another exhilarating Super Tux Kart Saturday! Join anytime—our server is listed under “All Things Linux.”

If you haven’t already, install the client via SuperTuxKart here. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or join in on some fun GarticBOT activities afterward!

Event Details: Discord Event

New Updates

New Roles Added:

  • DE/WMs: @LXQt
  • Languages: @GDScript, @Nim

Our Newest Junior Mod:

Congratulations to @Gurov for joining our mod team as the newest Junior Mod.

Server Enhancements

New Tux Command:

Explore our helpful and new tldr command in the #bot-commands channel. Try searching any linux command like /tldr <command> or $tldr <command> for quick man-page like explanations with examples and usage.

Permanent SuperTuxKart Server:

We've implemented a modified SuperTuxKart server fork from an active STK ambassador to deliver an enhanced gaming experience, now open to all!

Community Feedback

Share Your Thoughts:

We've opened the #reviews channel, inviting our community to share feedback and kind words. Your support brings joy and encourages us to showcase our community’s success.

Guidelines Updates

New Code of Conduct:

We've made changes to our Code of Conduct to improve clarity and guidance.

In our commitment to maintaining a high quality server, we must emphasize the importance of thoughtful and substantial discourse within our community. Accordingly, content that is considered low-effort/low-quality, including but not limited to messages that lack substantive value or do not encourage meaningful conversation, is prohibited.

This includes "brainrot" which are words or phrases with no substantial value. (an example would be animal sounds, reply chains, and current viral memes).

Please review the latest changes here.

Reminders and Opportunities

Mod Applications:

Interested in joining our mod team? Check out the new application form here.

As we move forward into May, let’s maintain our community’s momentum and continue building on our successes. Your involvement is the heart of our community, and together we achieve great things.

Here’s to another month of growth and excitement! 🚀
